Prunes (organic) 500g

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Prunes (organic) -500 g

Pitted Prunes are a good source of Vitamin A, dietary fiber- (12.1% of daily fiber in 1/4 cup), potassium-(may help to promote bone health) and copper.

In clinical studies, the higher amounts of vitamin K in prunes also help to improve bone health. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of prunes may help prevent bone loss and aid in maintaining healthy bone density and formation, especially in postmenopausal women.

Iron deficiency is one of the biggest reasons that can cause hair problems like a dry scalp, hair fall, and graying of hair. Iron deficiency is very common in women and eating prunes every day can help with this. But the vitamin B and C in prunes also helps to deal with these problems effectively.

Prunes are a natural source of magnesium, which is known as the sleep- inducer mineral. So, if you’ve been popping pills to get a good night’s sleep, then try and include prunes in your diet, because they will help for sure.

Prunes have a high content of unique phytonutrient called neochlorogenic and chlorotgenic acid. These substances are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well documented. Prunes are a good source of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps keep your bowel movements regular, while soluble fiber helps to moderate digestion and absorb nutrients from your food. Prunes are known to keep your cholesterol levels and blood pressure in check, which is directly related to your heart health and is due to the soluble fiber present in them.

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Vendor: Sprout Master
Weight:  0.5 kg