EMF Personal Protection With an Ultra Disk Inside!
The Tachyonized Ultra Vintage is a great Neo-Field generating pendant. Attractive as it is effective, the Vintage helps to both increase vitality and protect the wearer from EMFs.
Simply wear the pendant every day to benefit from the 24mm Ultra Disk’s effects.
One of the only tools in the world designed to not only increase the wearer's vitality but to also protect them from the harmful effects of EMFs as well. In instances where someone is out of balance due to illness or injury, the Vintage can help stabilize and restore imbalance, emitting positive, life enhancing energy as needed.
Enjoy wearing it as it increases health and vitality.
30mm (1-3/16 inch) outside diameter with a 24mm (15/16 inch) Ultra Disk inside. 6.38mm (1/4") thick, and 15g (0.53 oz) weight.

You can view a complete selection of products on Tachyon Technoligies website visit them and let us know what you would like to order (let us take care of the shipping and brokerage fees for you!)