To grow microgreens use 2-3 teaspoons of seed (for a 5x5 inch Tray) on thoroughly moistened medium, either soil, coconut coir or grow mat substrate
Cover your crop with another tray, plate or plastic wrap- to keep light out and moisture in. Keep your medium moist by watering lightly as needed. If you decide to use Coconut Coir you will water less often When your plants have begun to show leaves, remove cover and move your crop to a well lit location.
Harvest when the leaves are open and an inch or three tall (day 14-30).
Cut just above the medium, with a scissors or sharp knife.
Coriander Seeds also known as cilantro, are the mature dried seeds from an annual plant that have been used since biblical times. Coriander's subtle flavor that is warm and spicy with a slight hint of citrus flavor has an aromatic scent which is soothingly warm, nutty, slightly fruity, and complex.
An essential ingredient in Indian cooking for making curries and in spice mixes. Also used in Mexican cooking in salsas.
Coriander be used in medicinal tea, can help to stimulate the appetite, to soothe an upset stomach, to treat indigestion, and mild gastrointestinal upsets or treat bacterial and fungal infections.